Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Bible in High School - 875 Words

Bible verses are seen on many of today’s products. Everything from bracelets to coffee mugs have these great words displayed on them and are being sold at a very high rate. As a Christian, it is very encouraging to see these products fly off the shelves as they are. It is even more encouraging to see so many high schools use bible verses on their teams or clubs banners. This is an opportunity for the word to be spread to people who may not be around the church setting very often. Despite the advantages, the use of verses on banners has been criticized. People are saying this is an attempt by the school to promote religion and these people are trying to get the school to remove these verses. Many schools are complying with this request, others are on the fence. I believe students should be allowed to put whatever they would like on banners they create. The central argument of this conflict involves the establishment clause and the free exercise clause of the first amendment. Th e first amendment of the constitution says â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.† The first part of this sentence is known as the Establishment Clause and the second part is known as the Free Exercise Clause. These clauses point out the role the government has involving the hot topic of religion. In a nutshell, these amendments are saying that the government cannot aid a particular religion and it cannot force or influence aShow MoreRelatedBible Study in Public Education Essay1019 Words   |  5 PagesIt has long been debated whether teaching the Bible in public education would improve our educational system or just help the Christians enlist more members into their religion. Since 1962, the Supreme Court has continued to uphold the ban on all religious practices in public education, including teaching the Bible in classrooms. 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